Definition of "Republicanity"

Republicanity: the calculated melding of the American political right with poorly constructed, spiritually empty Christian theology so that the blind adherent loses track of where one ends and the other begins, thereby (1) fallaciously allowing Republicanism to claim the moral high ground above the Democratic party in all things political and (2) socially demonizing Democratic party members in the process

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Textbook Definition of 'Blasphemy'

Paula White had the audacity to pray the following: “Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of President Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus.”

Her willful ignorance of this man's true character and purposes has allowed her to become nothing more than a willing tool of vanity and power and divisiveness for this administration.  It is she who blasphemes against the focus of her sacred text and the spirit of her God.

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