Definition of "Republicanity"

Republicanity: the calculated melding of the American political right with poorly constructed, spiritually empty Christian theology so that the blind adherent loses track of where one ends and the other begins, thereby (1) fallaciously allowing Republicanism to claim the moral high ground above the Democratic party in all things political and (2) socially demonizing Democratic party members in the process

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Under the Subject of "If I Say/Type It Enough Times, Then It's Got To Be True"

There is not a single statement in this tweet that is even remotely related to Truth.  Not one.

Here are a few more whoppers (i.e., "alternative facts") that Mr. Fournier and his willfully ignorant ilk probably believe also:

  • There was no obstruction.  Trump was completely exonerated by the Mueller Report.
  • There were ISIS terrorists in the migrant caravans.
  • The wall is being built.  Mexico is paying for it.
  • It was Obama who instituted the "Zero-Tolerance" border policy.
  • Hurricane Dorian was definitely projected to hit Alabama.  No Sharpies were involved.
  • Climate change is a huge hoax.
  • Michael Cohen sent the hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels of his own volition.
  • There was no quid pro quo. 
  • Any negative portrayal of Trump is Fake News.  And FoxNews is "fair and balanced."

These blatant-to-anyone-who-has-half-a-brain lies that are continuing to vomit forth from all of the shameless Trump sycophants are destroying any semblance of credibility for the Republican party.  Moreover, for that Republican party to continue to claim Christianity as its sword and shield against the perceived (and false) injustices of a society that is finally pushing back is thoroughly reprehensible.  Finally, and most importantly, for the Christian community to allow the Republican party to do so unobstructedly while passively looking on is, pure and simple, blasphemy to the spirit of their Christ.

And, ultimately, Christianity itself will pay for its hypocrisy.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Mic Drop

This single tweet truly encapsulates the theme of this entire blog so beautifully.  So perfect!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Trump and Twitter

The New York Times recently published an exhaustive list of the all of the people our President has insulted via Twitter since he announced his candidacy.

First point: Wow. Just wow.  It is truly overwhelming to witness this level and volume of pettiness, vitriol, and infantility all in one place.

Second point: It is truly disheartening and depressing and enraging to witness this level and volume of pettiness, vitriol, and infantility from the leader of the free world, from the man who represents America on the world stage, from the man I am forced to call "my President."

Third point: Although many of these insults may not officially qualify as "unChristian" (for maybe they are merely sophomoric), many more of them do, especially when read from the lens of I Corinthians 13 (i.e., the "love chapter).

Final point: If you claim to be an evangelical Christian and can read the entirety of that list while still defending this man, then the Gospel of Republicanity, and not the Gospel of the Christ, owns your soul.  You are a blasphemous embarrassment to true Christians everywhere.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Separating Immigrant Families Isn't "Christian."

In the midst of the impeachment craziness that has swept this country, it has been easy to forget about some of the numerous atrocities our President has championed under the guise of "patriotism."  So, as a reminder, I wanted to make sure that we remembered that separating families at the border and forcing these human beings to live in cages indefinitely has not gone away.  In fact, a new report states that there were an additional 1500 families which were previously unreported that have been directly affected by this administration's policy. And most of those families have yet to be reunited.

So, "Christian" Republicans, ...

  • If your political party specifically implemented the current "zero-tolerance," inhumane parent-child immigrant separation policy;
  • If your political party is thoroughly complicit with the squalid, unsanitary, cage-living, concrete-sleeping conditions at the border for both immigrant children and immigrant parents;
  • If your political party wants to make it a felony to give life-saving humanitarian aid to human souls crossing a human-constructed border to try to better their lives;
  • If your political party knows of immigrant children deaths while specifically in the care of American authorities and literally does nothing about those deaths, not even so much as voicing public indignation;
  • And if your political party does all of this while, at the same time, hypocritically screaming, "ALL lives matter" and "We are Pro-Life";

Then do us all a favor and stop claiming to be a party that espouses Christian values. 

You aren't.  And you don't.


And, to paraphrase a meme that's out there right now, if your response to all of these facts about your political party and the immigration crisis is nothing more than, "Well, they shouldn't have broken the law by crossing the border," then you and I don't have a difference in politics; we have a difference in morality.  (And, just so we're clear, your morality isn't the Christian one.)

Monday, November 4, 2019

George Conway Is The Man!

So, here's a little something that the "Reverend" Johnnie Moore tweeted out this last week:

Now, before I criticize his tweet as nothing more than blasphemous ass-kissing by "pastors," here's what George Conway, husband of Lying Sycophant #1 Kellyanne Conway, tweeted back:

BEAUTIFUL!  Just beautiful!

May I be so bold as to add the following:

"Blessed be thy name-calling and thy bullying, for those are the tools of a God-fearing man.  Blessed be thy raising up of the rich and the tearing down of the poor, for God certainly loves the former and despises the latter.  Blessed be thy destruction and thy division and thy anger and thy loathing and thy pettiness and thy power grabs, for that's just kick ass!"

Anyway, I know Conway did it much better, so here's my main point about the original tweet from a "pastor": This is nothing more than a posed photo-op for a thoroughly hypocritical President who needs to rally his ignorant evangelical base as he continues to lose ground because he is an awful piece of humanity.  And these pastors are the very ones who, yes, should be praying for him but also who should be (pay close attention here) HOLDING HIM ACCOUNTABLE as a human being.  They aren't; in fact, they refuse to.

And it is because of that very fact that many people are starting to recognize these "pastors" for what they really are--modern-day Pharisees whom Jesus himself would detest.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Jesus vs. Trump

Just a handy-dandy, down-n-dirty reference meme to remind evangelicals as to whom they are supporting right now (because it's one or the other, not both):
