So, "Christian" Republicans, ...
- If your political party specifically implemented the current "zero-tolerance," inhumane parent-child immigrant separation policy;
- If your political party is thoroughly complicit with the squalid, unsanitary, cage-living, concrete-sleeping conditions at the border for both immigrant children and immigrant parents;
- If your political party wants to make it a felony to give life-saving humanitarian aid to human souls crossing a human-constructed border to try to better their lives;
- If your political party knows of immigrant children deaths while specifically in the care of American authorities and literally does nothing about those deaths, not even so much as voicing public indignation;
- And if your political party does all of this while, at the same time, hypocritically screaming, "ALL lives matter" and "We are Pro-Life";
Then do us all a favor and stop claiming to be a party that espouses Christian values.
You aren't. And you don't.
And, to paraphrase a meme that's out there right now, if your response to all of these facts about your political party and the immigration crisis is nothing more than, "Well, they shouldn't have broken the law by crossing the border," then you and I don't have a difference in politics; we have a difference in morality. (And, just so we're clear, your morality isn't the Christian one.)
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