Definition of "Republicanity"

Republicanity: the calculated melding of the American political right with poorly constructed, spiritually empty Christian theology so that the blind adherent loses track of where one ends and the other begins, thereby (1) fallaciously allowing Republicanism to claim the moral high ground above the Democratic party in all things political and (2) socially demonizing Democratic party members in the process

Monday, August 5, 2019

Christians and the Gun Issue (1)

In light of the most recent round of mass shootings in the United States (giving us a total of 251 in 216 days--shameful at best, criminal at worst), I wanted to tackle the issue of guns in this country.

Now, first, although there are numerous facts and statistics to force a very serious look into our nation's obsession with guns, I don't want to go there.  The chosen focus of this blog is how the Republican party has kidnapped Christian theology in order to use it for the party's own political ends; thus, I will remain true to that focus.  No other arguments are allowed.

Second, as a type of visual questioning, I would want the Christian Republican (or Republican Christian, maybe would be better) to look at the following two pictures:

Which one of the two pictures better represents the true character of the Jesus of the Bible?  Actually, the proper way to ask that question is this: Which one actually represents the Jesus of the Bible?  Because there is literally NOTHING in the Bible that could be interpreted as Jesus's loving and appreciating any sort of weapon at all, the first picture is a complete fabrication, a false representation of anything for which Jesus ever stood.  In fact, it's downright laughable.

However, the second picture, the one of Jesus's healing the sick, is an exceptional representation of Jesus.  There are numerous stories of his freely and openly helping those who were ill, lame, deaf, dumb, etc.  When he saw human beings who were suffering in this life and who, therefore, were desperate for any chance at relief from that suffering, he helped.  Full stop.  There were no strings attached; there were no background questions; there were no preconditions to be met.  He … simply … helped.

Now, taking these last two strictly Bible-based paragraphs into account, my questions of the evangelical Republican right now are these: Why are guns (i.e., weapons specifically designed to kill) a "right" whereas health care (i.e., a system specifically designed to help) is not?  Why does the Republican party (i.e., the party of Christianity) fight so hard against stronger gun legislation while also fighting so hard against universal health care?

And finally: WWJD? Support guns?  Support health care?  Again, the answers to both are obvious.

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