Definition of "Republicanity"

Republicanity: the calculated melding of the American political right with poorly constructed, spiritually empty Christian theology so that the blind adherent loses track of where one ends and the other begins, thereby (1) fallaciously allowing Republicanism to claim the moral high ground above the Democratic party in all things political and (2) socially demonizing Democratic party members in the process

Friday, August 9, 2019

Mass Deportation and Republicanity

A loyal Republican right now is ecstatic that Trump's administration has cracked down on the illegal "invasion" or "infestation" of brown people.

A loyal Christian right now is horrified that innocent children have been emotionally destroyed (and probably scarred forever) by the Trump's administration's focus on brown individuals who were working hard, just trying to make better lives for themselves.

They. Are. NOT. The. Same.  In fact, in this instance (and possibly others), they are mutually exclusive.  One loves the law; the other loves the people.  Know the difference.

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