So, here's how the political right sucks in the evangelicals to make them one in the same:
- Rather than make a talking point, a discussion point, or something that we can argue about logically, create a prayer for the President. And while doing so, have a beautiful patriotic drawing of said President, complete with flag and White House. Thus, patriotism and prayer have now been equated with one another; politics and spirituality are now the same.
- Bring in Biblical allusions to associate with the President. And, just to make it perfect, bring in 3 Biblical allusions, since 3 is a holy, perfect number within Judeo-Christian ideology. Again, the mathematical equals sign (=) is practically staring us in the face as politics and spirituality become clones of one another. (As a brief aside, the final allusion is pretty moronic. Samson was known for his physical strength, not necessarily for any strength of character. The Old Testament character of Job would have been a much better choice for the meaning of this meme; however, I believe that fact displays, more than anything, that a political influencer with the power of Google on his side created this meme, not a sincere Christian who truly knows the content of his/her sacred scripture.)
- Finally, as the coup de grace against anyone who would dare oppose this meme, make sure to associate the other side with "wickedness," truly a Biblical term to describe those who place themselves in direct opposition with God Himself. So, by association, anyone who questions this man's morality, his motives, or his policies is contributing to a "wicked onslaught" against him and is, therefore, sinning directly against the most Holy. No reason to hold this man accountable with any sense of divine moral compass, for he and God are directly and inexorably connected, much like the old Divine Right of Kings. The equation is now complete: Trump equals Christianity.
This type of rhetorical bullshit is so incredibly transparent to any critical thinker, yet it is working so incredibly well with the simple-minded, uneducated, evangelical Christians who have been taught never to question when their faith is involved. The political right has honed in on that unquestioning spirit and is taking full advantage, all while deflecting the evangelical's thoughts away from this man's thorough and inarguable moral villainy.
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