Definition of "Republicanity"

Republicanity: the calculated melding of the American political right with poorly constructed, spiritually empty Christian theology so that the blind adherent loses track of where one ends and the other begins, thereby (1) fallaciously allowing Republicanism to claim the moral high ground above the Democratic party in all things political and (2) socially demonizing Democratic party members in the process

Monday, December 23, 2019

And Now, Donald Trump's Unchristian Response to Christianity Today

Sooooooo much to unpack within this newest rage tweet, so I'll be brief.
  • He immediately equates politics with religion by using political terms ("far left" and "progressive") to describe a religion-focused publication.  Plus, he's gaslighting here.  Anyone who is familiar with the magazine would certainly label it "centrist" with a penchant towards many conservative talking points.
  • I'm not sure whether or not CT (not "ET," by the way, Mr. Trump) "has been doing poorly," but I do know that it has received a significant spike in subscriptions since their editorial about removing Trump from office has come out.  There's some irony there, no?
  • More gaslighting--it was not a "perfect transcript of a routine phone call"; it was, without a doubt to anyone who can think for himself, a quid pro quo.  Just because Trump keeps saying otherwise over and over and over doesn't make him any less guilty of abuse of power. 
  • What's worse--a "Radical Left nonbeliever" who wants to take care of the sick, the poor, the disenfranchised, and the entire environment (i.e., any Democrat, although I do not believe any of them are "nonbelievers"--more gaslighting), or a megalomaniacal, racist, lying, juvenile, name-calling, non-believing, hypocritical bully who wants only to take care of his uber-rich friends?  
  • Note the false equivalency between "your religion & your guns."  Christians, please realize THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING IN THE BIBLE THAT LINKS THESE TWO TOGETHER.  NOTHING!  In fact, an exceptional argument could be made that Jesus was a pacifist.  Plus, Christians, if you really were "pro-Life" (and not just "anti-abortion"), maybe you'd want these instruments of death more strictly regulated than they are.  More irony, yes?
  • Seems that there is another implied quid pro quo here--Trump has done so much "for the Evangelical community," so they MUST, in turn, blindly support him and, therefore, ignore his myriad moral failings. Actually, so far, that's been working for him.
  • He promises that he "won't be reading ET [sic] again."  We all know he never did in the first place because of two factors: (1) he's not truly concerned with moral/ethical/spiritual issues on a personal, life-changing level; and (2) he doesn't read.

So, to summarize, Trump the non-Christian is, once again, showing quite clearly that he is doing nothing more than using the willfully ignorant evangelical community for his own unchecked power.  And they, sadly, have complicitly allowed it all.

But maybe, just maybe, the chinks in the armor are finally starting to show.

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