Definition of "Republicanity"

Republicanity: the calculated melding of the American political right with poorly constructed, spiritually empty Christian theology so that the blind adherent loses track of where one ends and the other begins, thereby (1) fallaciously allowing Republicanism to claim the moral high ground above the Democratic party in all things political and (2) socially demonizing Democratic party members in the process

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dear Franklin Graham, You Are Not a Christian.

This picture shows what, exactly, about Franklin Graham?

  • That he's a good Christian?
  • That he exemplifies all the best characteristics of a loving God? 
  • That, as a pastor, he is helping lead his flock in the ways of the Christ?

Hmmmm.  No.  The answer is most certainly NO.  So, let me try again...

  • That he has sold his soul to the Republican Party?
  • That he worships King Trump rather than Jesus?
  • That he is completely ignoring literally the entire ministry of the Christ, who exhibited unconditional compassion and unconditional love and unconditional empathy towards all the "less-thans" in society every single day?
  • That his racist Manifest-Destiny-based patriotism has thoroughly obliterated any semblance of a gospel-centered, Christ-focused life?
  • That he has absolutely no business calling himself a "Christian"?

Yes.  The answer is unequivocally YES.  

And if you disagree, then I challenge you to use the Bible (not just a single, out-of-context verse, but the spirit of the entirety of the Christian sacred text) to prove how building a wall to keep poor, brown non-Americans on the other side of a man-made border equates to the love of the Christ.  (BTW, you won't be able to do so, so there's no point in trying.)

Franklin Graham is truly a detestable human being who, at this point, is exhibiting more of the characteristics of the anti-Christ than of the Christ.  And it is time that true Christians start standing up to hold this asshole accountable.


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