Here is his response to the Christianity Today article that I referenced in my last post.
Allow me to pick apart his numerous fallacies:
- "For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the President of the United States is unfathomable. Christianity Today failed to acknowledge that not one single Republican voted with the Democrats to impeach the President." Graham begins his argument by solidifying his worship of Republicanity; he is equating Democrats with non-Christian and Republicans (and the President) with Christian. Just so we all know--it doesn't matter what letter comes at the end of your name (R or D) when it comes to a moral argument (which is the type of argument CT was making); it matters only what is morally correct. His immediate grasp on this political talking point clearly shows where Graham's loyalty truly lies.
- "They [CT] want readers to believe the Democrat leadership rather than believe the President of the United States." Yes, they do, because the Democrats are right in this instance--it's well documented that there was a quid pro quo and that there were numerous attempts at obstruction of justice. Plus, the President of the United States LIES--it's well documented that he has no moral qualms about lying. Ever. Finally, the CT editors were very clear in acknowledging that the Democrats began all of this never-Trump partisanship years ago when Trump was first elected; however, they also state that these same Democrats have uncovered truths--ugly, sordid, sinful truths--about this man, and it is time for evangelicals to stop ignoring the truth, no matter what the initial purpose may have been.
- "Look at all the President has accomplished in a very short time. The economy of our nation is the strongest it has been in 50 years, ISIS & the caliphate have been defeated, and the President has renegotiated trade deals to benefit all Americans." My first note here is to see what a Christian minister believes are noteworthy accomplishments--2 of the 3 that he mentions are based on money. That is telling in and of itself, especially since he has been known to ascribe to the prosperity gospel, a complete perversion of the Christ's mission on this earth. Second, the "economy" isn't as great as Trump (and Graham) would like us to believe for "all Americans"; in fact, it's pretty awful for the "less-thans" of our nation. According to a Federal Reserve survey, 43% of households can't afford the basics to live; more than 25% of adults have skipped health care within the last year because it was too expensive; 40% of adults have less than $400 in savings; and 50% of the people showing up to food pantries are above the official poverty level but simply cannot make ends meet each week. And let's not forget that even though blue-collar wages have stagnated for over two decades, Republicans have fought hard against a "living wage" but have made sure the richest 1% are now paying in taxes, for the first time in our history, a lower percentage of their income than the working class of America. Good thing a Christian minister is focused on the President's economic successes, especially since he seems to want to ignore the very ones Christ himself focused on.
- "The list of accomplishments is long, but for me as a Christian, the fact that he is the most pro-life president in modern history is extremely important—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that, to say it doesn’t count?" No, CT does not want you to "ignore" that fact; they say so quite clearly in the article. Rather, they believe that this singular act does not wash away his moral rot, the very moral rot that Graham himself consistently ignores. Graham should be careful; his hypocrisy is showing.
- "The President has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at home and around the world—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that?" No, Trump has fought for "Merry Christmas," not for "religious freedom." And just so we're clear, "religious freedom" means freedom for ALL religions, not just the one to which you ascribe, Mr. Graham.
- "Christianity Today feels he should be removed from office because of false accusations that the President emphatically denies." This one statement is the most telling of them all. First, they are not "false accusations"; rather, they are well documented and completely corroborated by numerous first-hand witnesses. And, if they are false, then why won't the President allow people to testify, the very ones he keeps saying would completely exonerate him? If he is so innocent, why wouldn't he welcome his opportunity to participate in the constitutionally sound impeachment trial (rather than refusing entirely) so that the public could see quite clearly how everything the Democrats are saying are completely false? (Here's the answer: he's guilty.) And finally (and make sure you catch this one), he LIES, more so than any other president in history--this is completely researchable and defensible. And when you stake your argument on the fact the President "emphatically denies" these allegations, you display yourself as nothing more than a gullible fool, one who is willing to believe a habitual liar for political expediency rather than examine the clear and consequential evidence. (BTW, when President Bill Clinton stated that he "did not have sex with that woman," did you believe him? He did emphatically deny it. Of course you didn't believe him because Clinton was LYING to save himself. It's the same here, hypocrite.)
- "Christianity Today said it’s time to call a spade a spade. The spade is this—Christianity Today has been used by the left for their political agenda." No. They are simply noting evidence, the very evidence that you are choosing to ignore, the very evidence that displays how morally and ethically rancid this human being is. There's nothing "left" about that; instead, it's your job. Yet you, a "Christian minister," refuse to hold him accountable; you simply choose to acquiesce and fawn and worship this man who would be king with no consequences for his immoral behavior.
- "Is President Trump guilty of sin? Of course he is, …." Then, CALL HIM OUT FOR IT! Christianity Today has bravely and righteously chosen to do so. Now, it's your turn.
What an absolute Republican tool this man has become! He has truly lost all sense of a moral compass, and with that loss has come a complete lack of credibility, something that the editors of Christianity Today warned evangelicals about. Sadly, they were unequivocally right.
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